Atlanta Special FX Blog — CO2 Handguns
Seattle Seahawks Shoot New Video With CO2 Special Effects Equipment
co2 cannon CO2 Handguns CO2 Special Effects Equipment CO2 Supplies CO2 Water Cannon Seattle Seahawks Football Video
Professional football teams use a variety of methods to excite fans who are anticipating the start of a new season. This year, the Seattle Seahawks incorporated CO2 Special Effects Equipment in their promotional video for the 2018 Football Season. For its trusted CO2 products, CO2 supplies and its on set capabilities, Atlanta Special FX was very instrumental in the success of the video. About CO2 Special Effects Equipment CO2 equipment provides a safe way to launch high-impact items that are designed to dazzle the crowd. Any live performance may be enhanced with products, such as CO2 Handguns, CO2 Cannons and...