Handheld CO2 Cryo Special Effects Gun

Atlanta Special FX® Handheld CO2 Cryo Gun
Handheld CO2 Cryo Guns Are Ideal For Any Mobile DJ Looking To Find The Next Cool Thing that is hot in the entertainment indusrty. CO2 cryo smoke guns are very popular with the mobile dj crowd. This new added co2 theatrical smoke effect can be used to cool off your guests or to create stunning visual effects. The CO2 theatrical fog smoke is super cold can be blasted up to 20 feet. Check out the newest dual nozzle co2 gun manufactured by Atlanta Special FX for hip hop superstar Lil Jon.
Awe The Crowd at Your Party with ATL Special FX® most powerful CO2 Cannon smoke Gun
If you have ever planned and had a party or event or if you have ever attended a world class nightclub or Music festival over the past summer then you have seen plumes of theatrical smoke special stage effects being blasted from the stage to crate awesome visual effects that instantly awes your crowd and gets them into party mode instantly.
Atlanta Special FX® is the American Manufacturer of the world famous mobile DJ Cryo CO2 Special Effects smoke gun that lets you move around anywhere on your Stage or party venue. Now you can bring home the same CO2 Smoke Special Effects professional stage equipment used by famous DJ’s and Nightclubs, music concert stages and movie production companies to AWE and COOL their CROWD!
ATL Special FX® is the leader of CO2 Atmospheric Special Effects Equipment and is the supplier and distributor of the famous line of CO2 Cannons special effects smoke gun for many famous DJ’s and Nightclubs around the world. Our ATL Special FX® line of CO2 Cannon Equipment shoots a powerful plume of Cryogenic frozen CO2 that cools your crowd and provides a smoke special effect used in movies and theaters as well as at sport entertainment venues.
Have you been impressed by those colored fumes that Jet out at the Coachella 2016 Music and Arts Festival or any recent events you attended? These CO2 Cannon mobile guns have become a standard at any event or concert and even at indoor dance floors and are very easy to assemble and operate.
Cool the Heat at Dance Floors with CO2 Cryo Guns
CO2 Cryo smoke guns have been cooling nightclub dance floors for many years now and are perfect for any event or party. With the new designs available today, the CO2 cannon gun is easy to assemble and operate and is dependable and more affordable than ever. The advanced designs available today shoots out more exciting fog plumes! Add light and you have the most entertaining party in town!
Light yet Durable American components. Easy to Assemble and Operate
Constructed with high grade American components and mad right here in the USA, the CO2 cannon cryo co2 gun comes with long lasting durable coatings. These CO2 cryo guns are easy to install and are concealable and lightweight. It will cool the dance floor and your crowd within seconds and will maintain the temperature at the party! Enjoy spraying and cooling your friends with our Handheld CO2 cryo special effect gun!
Safety is an Added Feature with Modern CO2 Cannons by ATL Special FX®
Modern day CO2 fog smoke guns assemblies are designed for flawless performance. These have been designed with safety and long term durability in mind and the materials withstand extreme cold temperatures and the high pressures produced during operation with ease. The hoses come with all the necessary fittings that helps assemble the gun system to the Dewar or CO2 Cryo tank.
Go Mobile with Cryo CO2 Gun from ATL Special FX®
While we always understood that handheld Cryo CO2 cannon guns are made to be mobile, even bigger versions come with straps and backpacks nowadays. These ensure that you can move around and produce more creative plumes of theatrical special cryogenic smoke effects all around the dance floor or party stage. The custom strap allows the CO2 tank to be secured to your back just like a backpack and the operator has total freedom to move around. The back plate is made of aluminum and provides ultimate safety to the operator. These back plates come in various sizes and can accommodate all body types.