Atlanta Special FX Blog — cold fog
CO2 Cryo Jet Secret Promo Code - Big Savings
20lb 50lb siphon co2 co2 cryo gun co2 cryo jet co2 jet cold fog cryo fog cryo gun cryo hose cryo jet cryo special fx dewar tank low fog nitrogen
Single Nozzle Co2 Cryo Jet Co2 Cryo Jet Sale Happens Once Every Year. Its that time of year again and Atlanta Special FX is happy to announce the CO2 cryo jet super savings week is coming up. Last year we sold every unit we had on the shelf and then some and this year will be much of the same. Over the past year Atlanta Special FX has added 5 new products including the: Co2 cryo jet (Low Pressure Dual Nozzle), CO2 cryo gun (mini blaster), Co2 Neon Paint Cannon (Awesome), Co2 confetti cannon (Ideal Cannon), and the Co2 cryo...