August 27th, 2013 Atlanta Georgia: Its that time of year again when players, coaches take to the field for battle, and fans flock to the stadiums to cheer on their favorite college football teams. Millions of people will be watching TV Saturday as #1 Alabama takes on Virginia Tech at the annual Chick Fil SEC Kick Off Game in the Georgia Dome. Not only will they be seeing the game, but they will see some exciting special effects. For 4 consecutive years one company has been donating their services to Chick Fil A, and supplying some amazing aerial special effects to boost fan spirit. Atlanta Special FX is a special effects manufacturer and rental company that supplies atmospheric special effects such as fake snow, rain, haze/fog, and one of their most exciting effects is a man made cloud making machine to over 50 countries. You read right, a cloud making machine and not just any cloud. These lighter than air foam clouds are produced in custom shapes that the operator creates and can be formed to produce corporate sponsor logos, team logos, numbers, letters, and almost any shape you can imagine. Owner Michael Willett is a pioneer of this exciting cloud making technology and has brought this unique way of advertising to a whole new level using the foam cloud machine at sporting events. Willett told us yesterday in an interview "I have been in and around event industry for over 10 years and seen almost all event effects and this is one that is truly outstanding." Cloudvertise® is only offered by Atlanta Special FX and is readily available to all 50 states via Fedex and and a plane ticket. Willett went on to say "Since 2008 we have made the eco friendly clouds for companies such as Disney, World of Coke, Microsoft, McDonalds, obviously Chick Fil A, KIA and more colleges than we can list here, and we are excited to tell everyone that we have big plans for the future as we are currently in negotiations with Fortune 500 companies to put Cloudvertise® on the map in a big way!" One of the most intriguing characteristics about Cloudvertising is that is 100% eco friendly and the clouds just evaporate after floating on the breeze for an hour or so, leaving no carbon footprint. Amazing! So the next time you are cruising down the road and see a cloud shaped like the McDonalds arches, or your kid says "Dad I just saw a Chevrolet cloud" don't think you are crazy. You just might be seeing Atlanta Special FX Cloudvertising. For more information on this exciting new advertising and branding technology visit their website or contact their office with the information below. Stay tuned for more exctiting news from this ground breaking company.